So, who am I?

Hey there, I'm a creative who's been in the game for over a decade. I've dabbled in illustration, graphics, and digital and print publishing.

Growing up in the UK as a preteen, I was exposed to Western art movements more than Middle Eastern arts and cultures outside of my household. This experience has played a significant role in my artistic practices, views, and stylistic choices.

My creative practice has come a long way since those early days of lowbrow illustrations. These days, I'm all about abstract expressionism, and it's been a real journey to get here. It all started with a few doodles I was using to help me cope with anxiety and overthinking. It flourished into something greater in late 2022.

Now, my artwork explores emotions and responses to the world around me. It's a way to dive deep into my consciousness and explore my identity.

For now, this movement is a comfortable home, but I don't think I will ever stop my search in pursuit of finding my true artistic home.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my journey - I can't wait to connect with you.




roxanahooti (at) gmail (dot) com